
Where do you work?

God has called me to do evangelism, discipleship, and small group Bible studies with people in the Four Corners area of New Mexico that includes 5 Native American Indian reservations.

Describe what you do.

Working in part with local churches, I aim to glorify God by bringing hope and the Gospel message to those who have not heard, those who do not understand, and those who are at the end of their rope and see no reason for living.

Why did you choose your ministry? What led you to that ministry?

God chose this ministry for me at this time, and it has been quite a growing experience spiritually not only for those I disciple, but for me as well. One day in the future God may once again call me overseas. One of my goals is to help mobilize the next generation into world missions!

When did you make the decision to serve in missions - how old were you?

I made the decision to enter into missions while attending Hawthorne Gospel Church college and career group.

Why did you decide on serving in this way? Why missions?

What motivated me was the responsibility to share the Good News of Jesus with those who have not yet heard. I felt so blessed to know Jesus that I wanted others to know Him. My call was to "go". Period. I then just followed His lead. Being flexible and teachable has been key.

Have you had other occupations?

Marketing Manager, English Teacher

Hobbies or other interests?

Mountain climbing (I've hiked nine 14,000+ foot peaks), skiing, elk and deer antler hunting, art.

Your favorite sport? Favorite team?

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Focus Areas Involved In:

Other Partners in

College / Youth

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