Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Matthew 28: 18 -20
Why missions?
Missions is one of those words we toss around a lot in the church, but it is not always clear what we mean by it. Our understanding of what the term means begins long before missionaries were sent out from Hawthorne Gospel Church. In fact, it begins before Paul and Barnabas went out or even before Jonah and Abraham...
Why missions?
Missions is one of those words we toss around a lot in the church, but it is not always clear what we mean by it. Our understanding of what the term means begins long before missionaries were sent out from Hawthorne Gospel Church. In fact, it begins before Paul and Barnabas went out or even before Jonah and Abraham.
Missions begins in Genesis chapters 1 and 2. By His act of creation — particularly human creation in His own image — God showed us His desire to be known. He made us in His image so that we could know Him and personally relate to Him. God designed it so that we would best flourish as individuals and as communities when we live in that relationship.
In Genesis chapter 3 we find that sin disrupted that relationship and caused a separation from God so that we cannot flourish as he intended for us to do. But God in His grace, beginning with Abraham in Genesis chapter 12, put together a rescue plan to restore that relationship. From the beginning God chose to work out this redemptive plan through events, history, and His people.
The culmination of this redemptive plan is God sending His one and only son to be born, die, and rise again from the dead so that we can have the forgiveness of sin and have our relationship with Him restored. In other words, the story of the Bible is of the mission of God being worked out through his people for the sake of all the nations. God then invites and commands his people to participate in this plan so that all the nations will know of Him and enjoy a relationship with Him. This is what missions is all about – it is about the people of God continuing God’s great plan of redemption that started in Genesis. Sharing this message of what God has done is the heart of missions.
Matthew 28:18–20 includes a description of how we are to participate in God’s mission – we are to make disciples, baptize them, and teach them to obey all that Jesus commanded. This is called the Great Commission and in it Jesus tells us what the mission is and what our role is in it.

What is a missionary?
In a broad sense, a missionary is someone who is “on mission.” This idea fits in well with what Jesus said in Acts 1:8 that we are all witnesses of the faith that is in us. But more specifically, the word missionary suggests being sent to do the work of missions. In other words, a missionary is one sent to fulfill the “mission” God has given his people to share the good news of the gospel with others who have not heard.
What is a missionary?
In a broad sense, a missionary is someone who is “on mission.” This idea fits in well with what Jesus said in Acts 1:8 that we are all witnesses of the faith that is in us. But more specifically, the word missionary suggests being sent to do the work of missions. In other words, a missionary is one sent to fulfill the “mission” God has given his people to share the good news of the gospel with others who have not heard.
The specifics of how a missionary serves can be as varied as the giftedness of the people and what God wants to accomplish. In other words, there are very few limits as to where a missionary can go or what a missionary can do and it is often just a matter of looking at the gifts, talents, abilities, and experiences that God has blessed you with.
In more recent years, the term missionary has fallen on hard times. In some contexts, it can carry some unwanted cultural baggage and security concerns and so terms such as “mission’s partner” or “global partner” are preferred.

How do I become a missionary?
Here are four steps that you can take:
Learn More
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
Urbana. is a major Christian student missions conference to inform Christian students about global issues and issues around the world that missionaries face.
Basileia, a five-day retreat where students learn the ways of King Jesus alongside each other. Experience Jesus’ transformation, follow His leadership, and make a difference in the world.

Joshua Project
A research initiative seeking to highlight the ethnic people groups of the world with the fewest followers of Christ. Accurate, updated ethnic people group information is critical for understanding and completing the Great Commission
A study program rooted in Scripture, clarifying each believer’s remarkable opportunity to join God in His global purpose. God delights when His people respond to His invitation to be a blessing to all peoples of the earth.

The Traveling Team
101 Ways to Impact The World. This book will give students practical ways on how to engage in God’s global mission through 101 different ways to engage in God’s mission right now.
Beginners Guide to Global Impact. Students have an incredible privilege to be alive in the middle of God's story of reaching the world. What part will you play? What steps are you willing to take to make a lifelong impact?
Short Term Mission Trips
Cafe 1040
Mobilize and equip young adults through overseas missions’ mentorships. Through this mentorship, you will gain clarity and confidence in knowing if long-term missions are for you.

Ethnos360 WAYUMI
An adventure in cross-cultural missions in Central Pennsylvania. Explore what the Bible says about reaching all peoples. Experience learning another language. Connect with your guides — all veteran church planters. 1–7-day programs for all age groups.
Go Program
(Africa Inland Mission)
For short-term workers, this two-month discipleship and mission training program seeks to develop Christlike character and instill basic skills for outreach among unreached people groups.

Mission Possible
This program serves as an online fundraising platform uniquely designed to assist in saving for short-term mission work.
Straight Path Ministries (SPM)
The ministry helps raise support for individuals and their needed supplies (Bibles, literature, films, etc.); sponsors specific short-term trips to help Christians get introduced to foreign mission fields.

Touch The World
Middle & High School. A 3-day retreat to prepare fully for your short-term mission trip.
World Team
Dedicated to church planting among UNREACHED PEOPLE GROUPS, we specialize in helping people find their place in missions — whether in prayer, giving, joining a ministry team, or serving short-term. If you feel called to help out and show up in service, we can help to figure out the details.

Youth with a Mission (YWAM)
We reach out in 180+ countries through three main areas — Evangelism, Training and Mercy Ministry. Our ministries cover every sphere of society, including ship-based medical care, performing arts teams, Bible training programs, business coaching, sports ministries, anti-trafficking work, and many more.
Long Term Mission Trips
Touch The World
Ages 17-20: 9 months accredited ‘Gap Year’ program for high school graduates. You are at a pivotal point in your journey. You want to discover who God created you to be and how that will impact the choices you are about to make for the rest of your life. You are not alone.
Ages 18-23: This 9-week summer internship program will push you to the next level in living on mission every day; focused on professional development, vocational formation and hands-on ministry experience.

(Africa Inland Mission)
A 2–3-year training program in Africa designed to equip men and women for long-term ministry, providing practical hands-on training while engaging in real, transformational ministry.
World Race
Ages 17-20: 9 months accredited ‘Gap Year’ program for high school graduates. Work alongside experienced leaders who are sharing the hope of Jesus and meeting the tangible needs of their communities every day. Along the way, you’ll discover more of God, yourself, and your calling.
Ages 21-30: 11-month mission trip to 11 countries. We desperately wanted to live for Jesus but didn’t know what it looked like… can you relate? We exist to awaken and activate people worldwide to their identity and role in the Kingdom of God.

Use Your God Given Spiritual Gifts
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 1 Peter 4:10
Local Organizations Where You Can Volunteer

Desire 4 Hope
Bring hope to those who feel lost, empty, and hopeless by meeting them where they are in the streets, bringing fresh cooked meals, offering friendship, and most importantly the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Global Gates
An evangelical missions organization mobilizing prayer and missionaries for the most unreached people group communities in North America.

International Students Inc.
International students enjoy learning about American culture and building friendships with Americans. Join our global-impact team and make a difference in the life and destiny of an international student.
Joni and Friends
Since 1979 Joni and Friends has committed to reaching and serving people with disabilities with practical help and the saving love of Jesus.

Operation Christmas Child
Spread The Good News Of Jesus Christ By Packing A Shoebox For Children Around The World.
Servants Heart.
Come alongside organizations and churches with tangible needs to assist them and advance their work in the community. Looking for volunteers who want to share their gifts with a world in need. Whatever your skill level is, you have the ability to make a difference.