Dave and Liz Flynn
Greetings all in Christ Jesus! Through the rush and ramble that the Christmas season sadly brings, may you slow down enough to think about the radical and unique nature of the incarnation, God becoming man and living among us. No other god can do that, and no other religion offers so great a salvation as we have received in Christ. May it impact how we relate to others all year long, and how our lives reflect his love. Blessings and peace to you this Christmas in Jesus.
Christian and Rie Manabe-Kim
As we celebrate Christmas, our hearts are filled with profound gratitude for your generous support and uplifting prayers for our ministry in Christ here in Japan! Your partnership has been a source of immense blessing. May you and your loved ones experience the joy and grace you've helped us share.
Chris and Anne Ross
Merry Christmas HGC! Our family is so grateful for your partnership with us in kingdom work. Among the least reached. Thank you for your consistent prayers and support. Let's pray together for all those we are serving among who do not yet understand what it means to truly celebrate God coming to earth and dwelling among us. May He bring many more to a deep understanding of this reality in the coming year! Merry Christmas!
Mark V
Greetings church family!
What an honor it is to be sent by the church to proclaim the Good News of GREAT joy to ALL people! Today I picked up the roughest and grubbiest looking hitchhikers suffering from drug and alcohol usage. They needed some good news - and some hope. They received it in a gospel tract. If I were in their shoes, that message of good news would resonate with me for the rest of my life. Jesus transforms lives!
To all of our friends at Hawthorne Gospel, Liz and I want to wish you a safe, joyous and blessed Christmas, one filled with much spiritual reflection on the birth of Christ, and great memories made with loved ones. We will be visiting Wycliffe missionaries in the Peruvian highlands for Christmas. They just had their first child, and we hope to bring them some warm company and celebrate with them. We truly enjoyed our time with you all at the October Missions Conference, and look forward to a very productive year in ministry. Thank you for your partnership, friendship, prayers and encouragement.

Merry Christmas from Eastern Asia!
Christmas looks very different here, people it is not an official holiday, so there isn't all the hustle and bustle of parties, finding the perfect gift for loved ones or planning a big meal. Those who are like minded do find little ways to calibrate the birth of the Son. As the season looks very different here, there is still a simple beauty and excitement in knowing what we are about to celebrate! As you decorate your tree, find the perfect dish to make for that holiday party, as you get together with family and friends, please take a moment to remember that there are so many out there who don't know about Christmas and the real reason for the season. Please take a moment to talk to our Father to send more workers to the hard to reach corners of this word. May this season be full of blessing and may the Father remind you of His great love for you,

On behalf of our Gospel Trick Shot team and all of our friends and partners at the Hawthorne Gospel Church and around the globe, we want to express our thanks and appreciation for your precious prayers and support. After 27 years of ministry, 2024 has been one of our best years as Gospel Trick Shot team members traveled to 7 countries and 11 states by the grace of God and because of your precious prayers and support. We wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and may God richly bless you in 2025!